The Belfry WebComics Index

Generation 17

CID:16769 Subscriptions:203Readers this Week:8
Genres:Action-Adventure, Anime, Furry, Horror, Mystery or Noir, Science Fiction, Transformation
Description*:"I woke up in a strange cell, naked, with people I know nothing about.
I don't know how I got there or why.
There's a monster in my hand.
I want to go home..."
-- Marianne
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
V Graphic Violence
People who read this, also tend to read these:
(43%) i *Druids ALNVX (43%) i Cut Loose ALNX (41%) i Ryugou ALNV (40%) i Dark White ALN (40%) i Caribbean Blue (40%) i Evon ALNVX (39%) i Swords & Sausages ALN (39%) i *Draconia Chronicles, the ALV (39%) i *Las Lindas ALN (39%) i Red Space Blues ALV
Higher percentages are more closely related.
Entry Added:Mon, Sep 21, 2009
Entry Modified:Thu, Mar 26, 2015
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